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Intendant Peter Limbourg, Pressebild.

Director General Peter Limbourg

Peter Limbourg has been serving as Director General of DW since 2013. He was reappointed to a second six-year term in 2018.

How is DW structured?

DW structure

Symbolbild DW Deutsche Welle Bonn

The organizational chart provides an overview of the corporate structure of DW.


Broadcasting Council and Administrative Board

The Broadcasting Council and the Administrative Board are the governing bodies of DW, as per the Deutsche Welle Act

The members of the committees may not pursue any economic or other interests that could somehow impede their ability to fulfill their tasks as committee members. They may especially not sit on any board of any other public or private broadcasters.

By acting in their capacity as committee members, they represent the interests of the general public. They are independent of any assignments or orders.

The members of the Broadcasting Council and the Administrative Board serve for a five-year term. The members of the committees are unpaid, but are entitled to an expense allowance as well as to travel expenses, per diem allowances and lodging allowances.

Broadcasting Council

According to § 32 of the DW Act, the Broadcasting Council represents the interests of the general public and supervises the compliance of DW with general program guidelines. 

Administrative Board

The Administrative Board supervises the management of the Director General beyond the daily program.